Chamaeleon refinishing stockist Ireland
AS A GERMAN COMPANY, IT IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY TO FULFIL THE QUALITY STANDARD „MADE IN GERMANY“ AND TO APPLY THIS STANDARD NOT ONLY TO OUR PRODUCTS, BUT ALSO TO OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE.It is very important that every product under the Chamäleon label is of the highest quality. In order to ensure that our customers can always rely on our quality promises, we are constantly testing our production and finished products.Besides our own quality procedures, we are checked by an external agency in the form of the TÜV Thüringen. This is to make sure that all our processes are compliant with the latest TÜV quality standards.Our aim is to not just maintain our quality, but to constantly improve our products and develop new techniques. In this we clearly set our self’s apart from our competitors by incorporating the wishes and demand of our customers in our development process. We believe in clear and direct communication with our customers and are convinced that this is the best way to maintain a healthy relationship with our clients.